1. copy paste the award at ur blog once u got it.

2. make an entry if this is like a GRAMMY award
aduhai.. kena belagak jd best actress nih (konon2 je laa erk) hahahahha....
Ok.. 1st of all thank God, thanks to my parents, my siblings, my love, my frens for being part of my life and always support me.. i love u all.. thanks to d jury who give my chance to get this award..(hahaha... ade jury ke??? yana laa jury nye erk?? sbb dia yg bg award ni kt aku.. wakakaka)... dats all.. thanks again... (cewahh... ade bakat x??)..
3. pass to 5 other blogger
alahai... xnk laa tag sape2.. agak2 sape nk wat, wat laa... award ni ak bg free je.. huhu
4. NEVER break the chain, please...
im sorryyyyyyyy... huhuhuhuhu... broke already... hahaha
p/s : to adeq yana yg sakit agaknye sakit mental tu, cowi ye cyg... akak agk lmbt sket wat tag ni... tiada kesempatan ar.. huhuhu..
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